Ridiculously Good Chicken Tacos with Green Sauce

Ridiculously Good Chicken Tacos with Green Sauce

This Is My Favorite Chicken Taco, And You Can Make It With Your Eyes Closed.

Lindsay Ostrom headshot.

We have a lot of amazing chicken taco recipes on Pinch of Yum (this one in particular is a fave!), but I often find myself wanting a good, basic chicken taco recipe for a Tuesday night that is easy enough that I don’t have to look at a recipe.

I want to fully turn my brain off, go into full autopilot mode, and get these chicken tacos on the table 20 minutes later. (And ideal if they can also be some of my favorite, most delicious tacos I’ve ever made.)

And that is how I arrived here, at what is probably our new house favorite chicken taco. This is where I live now. The chicken for these tacos is juicy, flavorful, and usually eaten right off the cutting board. Just absolutely mindless in the best possible way.

You only need to remember three things:

  1. Taco seasoning
  2. Garlic
  3. Soy sauce

These three miracle workers give us flavor, flavor, and more flavor. The chicken gets a nice burnished-like exterior, almost looking like you grilled it. And once the chicken is done, you’re home free! Add some green sauce, tuck into a tortilla, build a rice bowl or burrito, and life just got so good.

I usually finish it with cilantro and onions, but this would also be awesome with some pickled onions and/or a simple green salad on the side!

Don’t skip the green sauce, except if you’re out of time in which case this can still be delicious with a favorite store-bought salsa (think: Mateo’s or Trader Joe’s guacasalsa). Or, for an even faster homemade sauce: this little 2 minute avocado dip!

House favorite. Extra lime squeezies. Life is good!

Welcome To My House! Let’s Make Chicken Tacos.

These Chicken Tacos In A Nutshell


Season the Chicken.

Three primary ingredients: taco seasoning, garlic, and a shot of soy sauce! I’m showing the taco seasoning on the chicken first in this picture, but I’ve come to realize that mixing works best if you start with the wet stuff (oil and soy sauce) and then finish with a quick toss in the dry spices! Doesn’t get quite so clumpy.

Sprinkling seasoning on raw chicken in a bowl.


Cook the Chicken.

I like to air fry it – 400 degrees for 11 minutes. Alternate methods below if you don’t have an air fryer! And if you’re looking for one – here’s my pick(affiliate link)

Adding raw chicken to an air fryer basket.


Make a Green Sauce.

Not essential, but this is the kind of sauce that makes life worth living. This is the blender I used to make it in the video! (affiliate link)

Mixing aji verde in a bowl.


Cut Up The Chicken.

Just give it a good rough chop into little bite-sized pieces, like how it is at Chipotle. While you have the cutting board out, go ahead and chop some cilantro and onions, too!

Slicing browned chicken on a cutting board.


You’re Done! Yum!

Holy smokes. I can eat a lot of these.

Two chicken tacos on a plate.