Woman holding a pot of Spicy Vegan Carrot Soup

How To Make Our Carrot Soup:

Spicy Vegan Carrot Soup in a pan with a wooden spoon

True story of how I made this soup has nothing to do with anyone bringing me anything or me bringing anything to anyone. It’s an actual Tale of Laziness, which is how most of my favorite recipes get born.

A walk to the fridge for lunch turned into an unsuccessful hunt for leftovers, so I went into Fridge Scrounging Mode and found one basic thing: carrots! um, yay?

A quick scan around the pantry and I was able to locate an onion, some garlic, a can of coconut milk and a little curry paste, and suddenly my food brain came alive and everything turned straight up orange.

How can I make this carrot soup with as little effort as possible? said tired/lazy/sad Lindsay.

Instant Pot! (affiliate link) obvi. Where all good things go to be made great.

Spicy Vegan Carrot Soup in a pan with a wooden spoon

You don’t have to use an Instant Pot for this recipe – as you can see from that picture, it also looks lovely in a nice cast iron soup pot getting stirred around like the magically creamy vegan witch’s brew that it is.

But the thing about the Instant Pot is that you can come up with your plan for lunch at 12pm and have your  clean and fancy lunch on the table by 12:45, AND still somehow still manage to find the time to read that super important article on Bored Panda about a desperately thirsty cobra that is given a water bottle by a zookeeper and you won’t believe what happens next. That is just the reality of the carrot soup life when you enlist the help of the Instant Pot.

Spicy Vegan Carrot Soup in two bowls with spoons and toppings

This all feels like a repeat of a repeat, but THANK YOU for joining us in this series to honor the short and powerful life of our son Afton while bringing love to the people in your lives who are hurting. Thank you in a very big way.

I love scrolling through your posts on Instagram and it’s been really fun to feature some of your stories of food love on my IG account aaaaand on our FABH page.

If you want to dig a little bit, you can read more about Afton here, and you can check out the awesomeness that is generous food sharing on our FABH page right over heeeeere.

We’ll be doing this series for one more week!

Spicy Vegan Carrot Soup in two bowls with spoons and toppings

And now you’re ready, right? Time to make bomb diggity carrot soup (which is VEGAN! CLEAN! VELVETY SMOOTH AND A LITTLE SPICY AND VERY AWESOME) by following this easy recipe. You are all over this.